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Wade Williams avatar
Written by Wade Williams
Updated over 5 years ago


The people API endpoints allow you to manage the members of your various products. You can add members, fetch members for a product, or remove members.



Returns a list of user records that are members of your product.


This endpoint takes no arguments.

Example Response

    {        "pk": 1,        "product": 1,
        "admin": true,
        "first_name": "Joe",
        "last_name": "Stump",
        "user": 1,
        "email": "",        "revoked": false,        "created": "2013-09-21T23:14:25+00:00",        "modified": "2013-09-21T23:14:25+00:00",        "role": 'AA"


Sending a post to /api/products/{product_id}/people.json allows you to add invite someone to your product. All this does is kick off an invite to the email specified in the request. NOTE: The user making this API request must be an admin of the product or the account holder who created the product. Additionally, this will not delete the user's record from the system.


  • admin (bool, required) Whether this person should be marked as an admin of the product.

  • first_name (string, required) Their first name.

  • last_name (string, required) Their last name.

  • email (string, required) The email address where we're sending the invite.

Example Response

    {        "pk": 1,        "product": 1,
        "admin": true,
        "first_name": "Joe",
        "last_name": "Stump",
        "user": 1,
        "email": "",        "revoked": false,        "created": "2013-09-21T23:14:25+00:00",        "modified": "2013-09-21T23:14:25+00:00",        "role": 'AA"



The /api/products/{product_id}/people.json endpoint returns a list of user records. Each user dict includes an id, which is the globally unique identifier of the respective user. You can then use this id to fetch a single user record via this endpoint.


This endpoint takes no arguments.

Example Response

    {        "pk": 1,        "product": 1,
        "admin": true,
        "first_name": "Joe",
        "last_name": "Stump",
        "user": 1,
        "email": "",        "revoked": false,        "created": "2013-09-21T23:14:25+00:00",        "modified": "2013-09-21T23:14:25+00:00",        "role": 'AA"


Sending an HTTP DELETE to this endpoint will remove the given user from the given product. NOTE: The user making this API request must be an admin of the product or the account holder who created the product. Additionally, this will not delete the user's record from the system.


This endpoint takes no arguments.

Example Response

    {        "pk": 1,        "product": 1,
        "admin": true,
        "first_name": "Joe",
        "last_name": "Stump",
        "user": 1,
        "email": "",        "revoked": false,        "created": "2013-09-21T23:14:25+00:00",        "modified": "2013-09-21T23:14:25+00:00",        "role": 'AA"
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